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Our learning pathways are individual, yet inter-connected, leading children on a journey of discovery!
Explorers "Have a Go!"
They are Experimental Curious Confident Co-operative
"In Explorers, we want every child to be happy and confident and have a love for learning."
"We provide stimulating opportunities based on our children's interests and learning goals."
Miss Headley
"Children in the early years enjoy an extensive well considered environment."
Ofsted, September 2022
"Adults use questions and a rich vocabulary to extend children’s language."
Ofsted, September 2022
Our Class Newsletters
Here are some of the books we read in the Autumn term...
Here are some of the books we read last term...
Here are some of the books we will be reading this term...
Our Class Bible Story - Jesus walks on water
Our classes each have their own Bible Story, which helps to teach and remind the pupils about the skills and traits we recognise in their class.
Our Classroom
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