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  • How do we pay for school dinners and school trips?
    We are a cash-free school. All payments should be made on the Eduspot School Money App. Any problems please contact our school office staff.
  • Can my child bring a mobile phone to school?
    We would rather that the children do not bring any valuable items into school where possible. Mobile phones will not be allowed in lessons at all. If your child needs to bring a mobile phone into school for a valid reason (e.g. they need it straight after school), they should hand it into the school office, where it will be locked away safely for the day.
  • Where can I park at the school?
    We only have a very small carpark and this is for staff use only. Unless you have been given permission by the Head Teacher to use the car park, please park respectfully on the roads around school, avoiding the yellow lines directly outside the school drive.
  • Can my child walk to and from school on their own?
    All Key Stage 2 pupils can be dropped off at the end of the school drive in the mornings so that they walk up the drive and into school independently. Children in years 5 and 6 (the Navigators) may leave school at the end of the school day if parents have signed the appropriate form. All other pupils will need collecting from the classroom doors by an adult named on the consent form.
  • Where can I locate lost property?
    Each classroom has lost property. Please ask the school staff when you collect your children. We encourage all parents/ carers to write children's names in all items of clothing, so that if found, these can be returned easily.
  • What should I do if I am worried about my child's progress?
    Please contact the class teacher, who will be happy to discuss this with you. The easiest way to contact class teachers is by sending a message on class dojo. Alternatively, you can ring the school office and make an appointment for a phone call or face-to-face meeting.
  • Which Maths and Literacy schemes are used in school?
    We follow the White Rose Maths scheme. We use Read, Write, Inc for phonics. After this, we do not use a scheme for English but do teach our reading and writing using the novel study approach.
  • How is my child prepared for moving on to secondary school?
    Our school vision is, 'Preparing Pupils to Flourish in their Futures' and we are incredibly proud of this. Throughout their time at our school, your child will be prepared for the next stages in their education. By focussing on, and directly teaching, our school Christian Pathways (resilience, collaboration, independence, aspiration, curiosity and faith), we are certain that our children are prepared for their futures. In year 6, pupils will be visited by some secondary school staff, who will talk to them about the move to secondary education. Once the children have their places at their chosen secondary schools, there will be opportunities to visit and spend time getting to know the school.
  • How can I protect my child when using new technology?
    Online safety guides for parents
  • What time does school start and finish?
    Pupils should arrive between 8.30am and 8.45am. They should be collected between 3pm and 3.15pm. Breakfast club is available from 7.30am at a cost of £2.50 per child (to be paid on the Eduspot School Money App). After school clubs are free but pupils need to be signed up in advance as there are limited spaces available.
  • What do I do if my child is late to school?
    If your child arrives after 8.45am, please take them directly to the school office.
  • What do I do if I am going to be late collecting my child?
    Don't worry - we understand that these things happen. All we ask is that you give the school office a ring and let us know. Your child will be able to join in with the after-school club until you arrive.
  • How do I report my child's absence from school?
    Please phone the school office between 8am and 8.45am to tell us that your child is not going to be attending school. You can send the class teacher a message on dojo too if you want to but the phone call is the most important (teachers are not always able to see their dojo messages whilst they are teaching). If you have not phoned by 8.45am and your child is not in school, a member of the office team will phone parents/ carers. Please try to make appointments outside of school hours so that children are not missing time in school. If your child does have an unavoidable appointment, please let us know the day before.
  • When are the school holidays and INSET days?
    Please click here to find out about term dates. Additionally, there are 5 INSET days where school is closed to pupils: Monday 2nd September 2024 Tuesday 3rd September 2024 Monday 4th November 2024 Thursday 1st May 2025 Wednesday 23rd July 2025
  • Can I take my child on holiday during term time?
    JMAT’s aim is to prepare pupils for their future lives and careers. With this in mind, we require parents to observe the school holidays as prescribed. The Headteacher is unable to authorise holidays during term-time. If parents take their child out of school during term-time without authorisation from the Headteacher, they may be subject to sanctions such as a fixed penalty fine. For children to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered it is vital that they are on time every day unless the absence is unavoidable. High attainment, confidence with peers and staff, future aspirations and future careers depend on good attendance. Good Attendance is important because:  Statistics show a direct link between under-achievement and absence below 95%  Good attendance and punctuality are vital for success at school and to establish positive life habits necessary for future success.  Good attendance and punctuality minimise the risks of pupils conducting anti-social behaviour or becoming victims or perpetrators of crime or abuse.  Regular attendance encourages children to build friendships and develop social groups, working together as a whole team, sharing ideas and developing life skills.  Children's social skills are similarly enhanced by regular attendance (linking into the personal development of pupils).  Non-attenders will not only miss out on essential learning but also other social events taking place (linking into the personal development of pupils).  Regular attenders make better progress, both socially and academically  Regular attenders are more successful in transferring between primary school, secondary school, higher education, employment and training.
  • How will I be informed if there is an enforced school closure?
    Information will be shared on Class Dojo. You may also receive a text message.
  • Does the school operate a breakfast and after-school club?
    Breakfast club is available from 7.30am each morning. There is a charge of £2.50 per child and this includes breakfast. We have after-school clubs each day until 4.15pm. Places are limited so need to be booked in advance.
  • How much is a school dinner?
    School meals are £2.60 per day. ​ Payment for school meals is required each Monday morning for the week ahead, or at the start of a school term. Families in receipt of certain benefits are eligible to claim free school meals. Inquiries should be directed to the school office. If your child does not wish to have a school meal, then we would ask you to supply a healthy packed lunch and drink, but please, no glass bottles or sweets.
  • Is drinking water available?
    All pupils should bring a water bottle filled with fresh water each day. This will come home each evening to be washed. If required, children can re-fill their water bottle from the water dispenser.
  • Is milk available?
    Milk is available to all children in school. Children are eligible for free milk up until the age of 5, at which point they can continue with subsidised milk. Parents should register with here.
  • What should I put in my child's packed lunch?
    Make sure the packed lunch contains: 1) A portion of bread (or similar), rice, potatoes or pasta 2) Plenty of fruit and vegetables 3) A portion of dairy or a calcium rich alternative 4) Some protein in the form of beans, pulses, fish, egg, meat 5) A healthy drink
  • Can I send any snacks in with my child?
    Children in Explorers and Pathfinders (Reception and Key Stage 1) have access to free fruit. Therefore, they do not need to bring in any extra snacks. Adventurers and Navigators (Key Stage 2) are welcome to bring in healthy snacks (fruit and vegetables) to eat at morning break time. Chocolate, biscuits and sweets are not allowed.
  • Do you allow fizzy drinks?
    No. Fizzy drink are not allowed. Children should have water only in their water bottles. Children having packed lunches may bring a healthy juice drink if they would like to.
  • Where can I buy school uniform from?
    All items can be purchased online here. However, uniform does not need to have the school logo so can be bought elsewhere. Our school uniform consists of; - Plain white or navy shirt/blouse or white/ navy polo shirt - Navy blue sweater, cardigan or sweatshirt - Black, grey or navy skirts or pinafores - Black, grey or navy tailored trousers - Plain black shoes or trainers, or plain black sensible boots in the winter months - Blue checked dresses are suitable for summer months as are black, grey or navy tailored shorts P.E. kit - Trainers for outdoors - Plain white T-shirt - Black or navy shorts - Black or navy jogging bottoms or leggings for outdoors - Black or navy hoodie or sweatshirt for outdoors
  • What does my child wear for PE?
    On the days when your child has PE, they are asked to come to school in their PE kit. P.E. kit - Trainers for outdoors - Plain white T-shirt - Black or navy shorts - Black or navy jogging bottoms or leggings for outdoors - Black or navy hoodie or sweatshirt for outdoors
  • Can my child wear jewellery in school?
    Children may only wear one pair of small, plain stud earrings. If children come to school wearing earrings on P.E. or swimming days they will have to take the earrings out themselves or they risk being excluded from P.E. lessons. If your child cannot remove their own earrings please remove their earrings or studs before coming to school. Pupils may wear a watch. No other jewellery is permitted.
  • What happens if my child has a medical or dental appointment?
    Please try to make appointments outside of school hours so that children are not missing time in school. If your child does have an unavoidable appointment, please let us know the day before. Where possible, pupils should attend school before and after appointments.
  • How long before my child can return to school after an illness?
    Click here for information from the NHS.
  • What happens if my child has an accident at school?
    Our staff are first aid trained. Where possible we will give first aid treatment at school and send your child home with a 'bump note'. If it is more serious, we will contact parents/ carers straight away.
  • What do I do if my child has headlice?
    Please read the following information from the NHS. Head lice and nits
  • What do I do if my child is prescribed medication?
    Where a child has been prescribed medication such as antibiotics, it is the parent/carers responsibility to administer it to their child. Therefore, we advise and encourage parents to ask their child’s doctor to prescribe medicines which can be administered outside of school hours. If this is not possible (for example, antibiotics prescribed four times daily) then a medication consent form must be completed by the parent/carer prior to staff members administering the prescribed medicines. The parents of pupils who require medication to be administered must complete and sign the medication consent form, and return it to school before staff can administer medication to pupils. Medication cannot be administered if this consent form is not present. The consent form must make it clear if the medication is prescribed or non-prescribed, and the reason for use, for example antibiotics, antihistamines, skin cream, eye drops, etc. THE SCHOOL WIILL ONLY ADMINISTER PARACETOMOL/ IBUPROFEN FOR A MAXIMUM OF 3 DAYS UNLESS PROVIDED WITH A DOCTOR’S NOTE. The school will not, under any circumstances, administer aspirin unless there is evidence that it has been prescribed by a doctor. Parents are asked to keep medication provided to the school in the original packaging, complete with instructions.
  • How do you communicate with parents?
    Class Dojo We use Class Dojo as our main source of communication with parents. It is really important that you download this free app and sign up as soon as possible so you can keep up to date with information relating to school and can contact the class teacher and other members of staff when required. Drop off and Collection Each morning, there will be a member of staff at the gate. If you have any urgent messages to pass on, this can be done through this member of staff. If you would like to speak to the class teacher or the Head Teacher, we would prefer for you to make an appointment by either sending a dojo message or phoning the school office, so that we are able to speak to you without distractions. We will always strive to arrange a mutually convenient time as quickly as possible. Texts We sometimes contact you via text message so please make sure that we always have any updated contact numbers. Parent Open Sessions You will be invited in during the Autumn and Spring terms to meet with the class teacher and discuss your child’s progress. School Report You will receive a written report from your child’s teacher at the end of the school year.
  • What do I do if I need to see a teacher?
    You can make an appointment by either sending a dojo message or phoning the school office, so that we are able to speak to you without distractions. We will always strive to arrange a mutually convenient time as quickly as possible.
  • Do you have a school council?
    We have a school council group, which consists of a representative from each year group. This group meet every week or fortnight.


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