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Key Information


Our office can be reached on 01977 642054 where you will most likely speak to Mr Blandford who will deal with any queries.

Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club is available from 7.30—8.30am at a cost of £2.50 per day. This includes a hearty breakfast with options such as cereal, toast and fruit juice as well as games, music and craft activities. The club can be used flexibly and payment can be made on the Teachers2Parents app.  


The Start of the School Day

We operate a flexible ‘drop off’ window of 15 minutes which really helps to minimise congestion in our tiny village.  


Children should arrive at school between 8.30-8.45am. Children in Explorers and Pathfinders (reception, years 1 and 2)  should be accompanied by an adult down the drive and dropped off at their classroom. Adventurers and Navigators (years 3, 4, 5 and 6) should be dropped off at the end of the drive, where there will be members of staff supervising on the drive each morning.


If children arrive late, they must be signed in by an adult through the school office.


The End of the School Day


We operate a flexible ‘pick-up’ window of 15 minutes which really helps to minimise congestion in our tiny village.  


Pick-up time is 3.00—3.15pm.


Children in Explorers (reception)  will be dismissed through their gate. Navigators, Adventurers and Pathfinders (years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) will be released outside their classroom exits. 


After school clubs are available until 4.15pm.          

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