Our school uniform consists of;
Plain white or navy shirt/blouse or white/ navy polo shirt
Navy blue sweater, cardigan or sweatshirt
Black, grey or navy skirts or pinafores
Black, grey or navy tailored trousers
Dark shoes, or dark sensible boots in the winter months
Blue checked dresses are suitable for summer monthsas are black, grey or navy tailored shorts
Trainers for outdoors
Plain white T-shirt
Black or navy shorts
Black or navy jogging bottoms or leggings for outdoors
Black or navy hoodie or sweatshirt for outdoors
Please note;
Long hair should be tied back at all times
Only blue or black hair accessories are permitted
Extreme hairstyles are not acceptable in school
There is no requirement to wear items with the school logo
We ask that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with the child's name